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Get to know us... (part 1)

Dreams after uni?

Abbie: If I’m honest, I’m not really sure! I think I might try to do PhD in either volcanology or finding methods of carbon capture – but ultimately, I want to spend a few years in Canada and then, possibly, emigrate to New Zealand.

Mary: That is the dreaded question at the moment. I am so unsure of what I want to do after uni that it actually scares me. Ideally, I would jet off to a beautiful part of the world and live a simple and stress-free life in the wilderness BUT the ambitious part of me wants to cure cancer or start a worldwide business. Very tricky!! I also want to travel after uni for a while (delay adulthood lol).

Do you have nicknames for your sister?

Abbie: YES hundreds – the most common are Maz and Mazzy! But there are some more obscure ones such as Gary (the name of Spongebob’s pet snail – I was a big fan when I was younger), Lil Sesame Seed, Goosey and Tam Pia (this nickname is an inside joke from when we went to Salisbury).

Mary: My nickname for Abbie is ‘Crafu’. I also call my brother ‘Brog’ or ‘Broggan’.

Do you compete with each other?

Abbie: Yes, but in a good way. She would regularly taunt me whilst I was doing my GCSEs saying ‘we’ll see what you get, try and get what I got!’ – I ended up getting exactly the same grades as her at GCSE.

Mary: I suppose we do – we have both always been quite academic so have always joked about who will get the best GCSE and A-level grades. As Abbie said, we both got exactly the same GCSE grades (so so weird) but then Abbie got 5A*s at A-level so there was no beating that!!

If you got a call that your sibling was in jail, what would be the first crime that comes to mind?

Abbie: Probably for repeatedly getting drunk and singing too loud after 11 o’clock – AKA an ear sore.

Mary: Abbie is quite clumsy. You know there is always that one person in the family that everything embarrassing happens to? Well that is Abs. So she would probably get arrested for shop-lifting because a hanger of clothes got attached to her coat and she didn’t realise. (P.S. I don’t get drunk repeatedly so ignore Abs…but yes I do sing a lot lol).

What is the dumbest decision your sibling ever made?

Abbie: Maz once decided it would be cool to cut her own hair and dye it very dark brown (It was basically black) – let’s just say she ended up looking like Snape from Harry Potter. For weeks we kept shouting “Mr Potter” in Alan Rickman’s voice, every time she walked past us.

Mary: Being quiet in school! Abbie has one of the best personalities EVER…like she is honestly hilarious BUT in school she never used to show it because she was quite shy. Luckily, after Camp America this summer, she has been so much more confident so more people get to see the real her.

What is one thing your sibling might not know about you?

Abbie: Whenever I start singing a song, Mary ALWAYS joins in! So, when my brother and I are watching a movie in his room, we always take it in turns to sing a song and see if she joins in. If she does, then you score 1 point.

Mary: Hmmmm, probably embarrassing drunken events at uni like falling asleep with my head on the toilet after a post-Crewdate chun session. Crewdates are where different societies get together and play drinking games…honestly lethal.

If your sibling’s life was a movie, which actor would play their role?

Abbie: Who’s tiny and annoying? Joking, teehee! Ermm, I would probably say someone like Rachel McAdams (for the looks) or Emilia Clarke (for her personality, especially in Me Before You)

Mary: This is difficult because I have never met anyone like Abs in my life…she is totally unique in so many ways. I would say the person most similar to Abs in terms of personality is Emma Stone playing Olive Penderghast in Easy A – she is sarcastic, witty, intelligent and doesn’t take any crap.

What is your biggest fear?

Abbie: Losing a family member (v. morbid, I know, but this is something that does genuinely terrify me)

Mary: My biggest fear is obviously losing any of my family members. I am such a family gal. But a less obvious thing that scares me is something changing the human-race and our everyday lives forever e.g. a worldwide deadly disease (or a zombie apocalypse lol).

What is your biggest regret?

Abbie: Stopping my piano lessons! I love playing the piano and I wish I was more competent at it now.

Mary: My biggest regret is not carrying on with any instruments I learned to play when I was younger. I had piano, clarinet and guitar lessons but never stuck with them.

What/who inspires you?

Abbie: Hands down, my mum! She’s been a constant source of support all through my life! She’s given me the tough love when I needed it, given advice when I was doing something questionable and always, always, always put me and my siblings before her! She’s a major source of motivation and constantly told me to have high aspirations e.g. applying to Oxford despite coming from a low-income background and state comprehensive in North Wales.

Mary: Literally the same as Abs…My mum is my biggest inspiration. She is so intelligent, strong, hard-working and has raised us as a single parent like a freakin’ boss. If I am half the woman and mum that she is, I will be the happiest person alive! My nana and grandad are also amazing…they have both had such inspirational lives!!


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